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Different Kinds Of Lemons To Grow In Your Garden

Lemons are known for improving the flavor of any food with their acidic and refreshing sour flavor. It’s utilized all around the world for both culinary and non-culinary reasons. It’s used in a variety of foods and beverages.

Lemons can also be grown in pots for a continuous supply. Learn more about different sorts of lemons in the article below, which includes photographs.

This lemon type, sometimes known as the Avon lemon and related to the Lisbon lemon, is native to Florida. You can easily locate them in the produce department of the supermarket as concentrate juice.

Citron lemons are native to Iɴᴅɪᴀ and the Himalayan Mountains. ‘Buddha’s Hand,’ Greek Citron, Corsicans, and Yᴇᴍᴇɴite Citron are the most common varieties.

Nothing goes to waste when it comes to the citron lemon. They are mostly farmed for their rind and produce very little juice.

Eureka Lemons

Except for a few Mediterranean nations, such as Iᴛᴀʟʏ and Sᴘᴀɪɴ, Eureka lemons can be found all around the world. They have a lemon flavor similar to that of the Lisbon lemon.

The thornless tree bears fruit all year. Eureka lemons are also a popular kind that can be found in every store.

Limetta Lemons

Limetta lemons are a type of lemon that originated in Southeast Asia. They are primarily grown in the Mediterranean and Iɴᴅɪᴀ.

Because of their non-acidic flavor, they are also known as sweet lemons. There is a lot of lemon oil in the rind. Lemons can be eaten like any other fruit.

Lisbon Lemons

Lisbon lemons are highly acidic and contain no seeds. The peel is of average thickness. Its tree thrives in chilly climates and is covered with thorns. In a year, these lemons are harvested twice.

Ponderosa Lemons

In the late 1800s, Marylanders found Ponderosa lemons. This variety is supposed to be a cross between citron and lemon, however this has yet to be confirmed.

Because of the thick and hard skin, they resemble bush lemons. Cooler climates are not ideal for growing the tree.



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