Agricultural Family Health History Tech

California Farmers Harvest At 25.3 Million Acres Of Farmland This Way – California Farming

Agriculture is an important sector of California’s economy, generating approximately $51 billion in revenue by 2021. There are approximately 415 commodity crops grown throughout California, including a significant portion of all, and fruits, vegetables, and nuts.


In 2022, California has 79,500 ranches and ranches operating on 25.3 million acres. The average farm size is 328 acres, significantly smaller than the average farm size in the United States of 444 acres. is a place to help you discover great things about technology in the field of agriculture, livestock technology, processing technology, food processing technology, etc.

 Fan Comments

Comment 1: Jeff Verdin said: “To sum this video up, Californians moved out of state to make that much money before they got robbed of taxation from California.”

Comment 2: Basheer Aeydh said: “Can you please tell me what type of music is used in your almost videos? This music with your voice makes your produce very fantastic.”

Comment 3: Clarence Spencer said: “What do they do with all those 600,000 horses?? They are not used for riding or carrying anymore, and horse meat is taboo in America. Oh, they kill and eat them in barbarian. Sorry, it makes sense now they are exported across the borders too.”

Comment 4: SG1ESPORTS said: “California agriculture is so impressive! It’s no wonder they’re a leader in the global food market.”

Comment 5: Mustafa Türe said: “California is not only a major contributor to the agricultural industry in the country but also around the world.”

Comment 6: FUNDA ÇOK DARSIN GENİŞLETEYİM Mİ TATLIM said: “Access to markets and transportation is crucial for California agriculture. California’s agricultural industry supports countless jobs.”

Comment 7: Efe Güven said: “The challenges that California farmers face in their work only serve to make them stronger and more resilient. The challenges that California farmers face in their work only serve to make them stronger and more resilient.”

Thank you for visiting my website and sharing the posting. In the video belᴏw, you can see California Farmers Harvest At 25.3 Million Acres Of Farmland This Way – California Farming.


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