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FULL VIDEO: Harvest Star Apple, Garden of Tubers and Fruits go to Market sell

Hi everyone welcome to visit my website is talking about the cooking lifestyle. Today we bring it to you: Harvest Star Apple, Garden of Tubers, and Fruits Go to Market Sell. A tough day at work. It is a portion of delicious food.


A young girl temporarily put aside a stable job in the city, leaving the grid life to return to her hometown to start building a new life. Build a peaceful life with the nature of mountains and forests, doing what you love.


Please like and share with me to view more videos thank you and I will show you my cooking skill and cooking with recipes.

We give you a glimpse of life in the humid monsoon rainforest. The basic skills to be able to survive there, it’s great to have your comment to support visiting my website.

 Fan Comments

Comment 1:  Ghazwa AL-Samarrai said: “Thank you for replying and understanding I wish that all the areas of weeds the one you planted the greens in disappear and turn into a land with good beneficial greens.”

Comment 2: Ghazwa AL-Samarrai said: “Sorry I forget to say try to forage the forests and get free things to sell and plant in your garden at the same time. Thank you.”

Comment 3: Riaz Ghuman said: “Today I took the time and I watched this long video of yours. Some parts were new and some I saw already but I really enjoyed it, this region of Vietnam is really beautiful, life is peaceful, not very loud and people do what they want to do, simple beautiful people.

New fruits which I never knew before and when I saw them in the video, I want to taste them but it is not possible, maybe someday, who knows? Thank you Tran with warm and best wishes.”

Thank you for visiting my website and sharing the posting. In the video belᴏw, you can see the FULL VIDEO: Harvest Star Apple, Garden of Tubers and Fruits Go to Market Sell.


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