Agricultural Family Health Tech

Harvest Golden Honeydew Melon Garden Goes To The Market Sell – Cooking

Hi everyone welcome to visit my website is talking about the cooking lifestyle. Today we bring it to you: Harvest Golden Honeydew Melon Garden goes to the market sell. A tough day at work. It is a delicious food.


A young girl temporarily put aside a stable job in the city, leaving the grid life to return to her hometown to start building a new life. Build a peaceful life with the nature of mountains and forests, doing what you love.

Please like and share with me to view more videos thank you and I will show you my cooking skill and cooking with recipes.

We give you a glimpse of life in the humid monsoon rainforest. The basic skills to be able to survive there, it’s great to have your comment to support visiting my website.

 Fan Comments

Comment 1: Claudete Silva said:I love watching your videos, and I admire how you treat your animals with affection towards everyone and I love that you don’t leave them hungry and share your food with them.❤  There are people who don’t treat them well and give pure rice to the little animals I don’t think you have love in your heart, that’s why you are in my heart.”💓

Comment 2: Elizabeth Garro said: “Delicious melons and hubs very good sale in the market, it gives me so much pleasure to see how you worry about feeding your pets and your own, I congratulate you, you are unique, kisses and blessings.”❤️

Comment 3: Werner Lehnert said: Yet another successful day at the market, Miss Ca. I’m not familiar with these melons because they aint growing here. We just can sell so-called ‘Honey Melons’ but they are looking different. Thanks for entertaining my afternoon and stay in health. ❤

Comment 4: Nadia Maria said: “I would love to eat melon fresh like this, it’s a blessing from God, if I could live there in these plantations, may God bless you always and I have a great day.”

Comment 5: D Susilo said: “I observed first what this fruit in my area. Apparently none. Happy harvest, beautiful Li. Keep it up!! Note: If all Vietnamese are like LTC, Vietnam’s economy will “crucify” Indonesia’s economy. We have the same “fertile land” background, but different cultures and political systems.”

Thank you for visiting my website and sharing the posting. In the video belᴏw, you can see the Harvest Golden Honeydew Melon Garden goes to the market sell.


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