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How Do American Ranchers Raise 9,2 Million Horses

America has always been the country with the largest number of horses in the world for many years now with more than 9 million. Which, there are about 87600 horses living in the wild. In America, it is illegal to raise horses for slaughter and the last horse slaughterhouses were closed in 2007. is a place to help you discover great things about technology in the field of agriculture, livestock technology, processing technology, food processing technology, etc.

 Fan Comments

Comment 1: No Games said: “A friend of mine raised bison. They are magnificent creatures. But they are very hard to manage because they walk through regular fencing. They require special care. When there was a forest fire and they had to evacuate literally the only place to take the bison was the local rodeo grounds in the rodeo arena itself because it was the only thing that had bars strong enough to hold them in.”

Comment 2: Green Heals said: “Supporting small family farm and giving incentives to those who use the draft horse on the farm will not only save millions of horses but also for minimizing soil erosion, and independence from oil, and supports local jobs for ranchers, horse trainers, and veterinarians.”

Comment 3: Kendall Kahl said: “Mustangs are actually a subspecies of the horse and the main difference is they have one less vertebrae. Riders love Mustangs because they are less prone to developing sway back for that reason and also have a shorter turning radius enabling them to turn faster. Unfortunately, Mustangs are becoming rarer than feral horses. Some ranchers dedicate themselves to raising Mustangs.”

Comment 4: Klaus Karbaumer said: “Unfortunately, as horses cannot be slaughtered in the USA, tens of thousands are annually exported into Canada and Mexico to be slaughtered there. The transportation is unsupervised and slaughter, especially in Mexico, is often very brutal. Out of sentimental reasons Congress didn’t allocate money for the supervised slaughter of horses in the States like for cattle and the results are inhumane.”

Comment 5: RaeRae said: “FYI horses and ponies are different things and you can’t really use the words interchangeably. Sometimes horse owners call their horses “ponies” as an affectionate diminutive, but ponies are specific breeds or crosses of those breeds that are usually shorter than 14.2 hands.

They have a different phenotype than horses, typically with shorter legs, wider bodies, and thicker necks. Mustangs are not ponies, even if they are under 14.2 hands. They are horses. If you crossed a Mustang with a Shetland or Welsh pony, the offspring would be considered a pony if it was under 14.2 hands.

You could use a horse in the Pony Club competition if it was under 14.2 hands, which some horse breeds can be, for example, some Arabians can be quite short, and Caspian horses are generally quite refined, little horses that are considered horses because they don’t look like ponies.”

Thank you for visiting my website and sharing the posting. In the video belᴏw, you can see How Do American Ranchers Raise 9,2 Million Horses – American Farming.


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