The jackfruit tree is a woody plant. The jackfruit tree bears fruit after three years of age and its fruit is a complex, edible fruit. Jackfruit is considered a fruit tree with the largest ripe fruit among herbaceous species. Jackfruit has commercial value.

Fruit flies and fruit rot: Jackfruit fruit flies are fruit flies with small brown spots and oozing sap. Use drugs Vibasu, Netoxin, and Lorsban, … Prevention by spraying 2-3 times each time 7-10 days apart.
Stem borers: Cut off infected branches or cover holes with insecticide-treated cotton. Aphids, aphids, red spiders, white spiders: Use Bi58 0.05-0.1% spray for plants to kill bugs. Use spider repellents to treat spiders.
Root rot, pus discharge: Pay attention to reasonable irrigation for pomelo trees to avoid this disease.
If the disease appears, it is necessary to use special drugs purchased at the plant protection drug store. In the video belᴏw, yᴏu can see how to grow jackfruit trees from leaves for beginners.
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