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How to Grow Kiwi Fruit in Your Garden

Growing kiwifruit might be time-consuming, but the reward – tons of delicious, sweet fruits – is well worth the effort. Each kiwi, which measures around 3 inches long and is shaped like an egg with fuzzy brown skin, is categorized as a berry. Kiwifruit vines thrive on wooden structures like gazebos, trellises, pergolas, arbors, and fences.


When deciding where to plant your kiwifruit vine, make sure you have adequate space and support for at least two vines, as these dioecious species need both male and female plants for pollination to be successful.

The flowers may be cream or yellow in color and have a faint fragrance. Because the fruit is formed on year-old wood, proper watering, and trimming are extremely critical for kiwifruit vines.

Kiwifruit vines thrive on soil that is acidic, with a pH of 5.0 to 6.8. When it comes to soil composition, the vine isn’t particular, but it prefers a healthy, moist, and well-draining mix. To allow your vines lots of areas to grow and thrive, space them about 10 feet apart before planting them.

Your kiwifruit vines will require regular irrigation and are not drought-tolerant. As a result, you should never let their soil dry out. They do not, however, appreciate wet feet, therefore well-draining soil is very important. If you detect any browning or drooping leaves on your vine, it’s usually a sign that it needs to be watered more.

The optimal soil for kiwifruit vines is one that is rich in organic matter and nitrogen. If nitrogen isn’t present in your soil after testing, you’ll need to add a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to your mix.

Feedings should be done on a regular basis as the vine grows and establishes itself. Use a slow-release all-purpose fertilizer blend to feed your plant when it is first planted, in early spring, and after the bʟᴏssoms have ᴅɪᴇᴅ off in the summer.

Pruning your kiwifruit vines properly not only encourages additional fruit growth but also keeps them from becoming wild.

It’s critical to start with a sturdy framework (via a trellis or other structure) and then cut around the main stem often until it grows tall enough to form a canopy overhead. The winter months, when the plant is dormant, is the perfect time to prune your kiwifruit vine.

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