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The 10 Simple Tips For Growing a Potted Lemon Tree

Having a juicy citrus full of vitamin C at your fingertips is possible with a simple crock pot. The lemon tree is a fruit tree that does not require gardening skills or a green thumb to plant at home.


It is possible to have lemon permanently and grow it at home on a balcony or terrace, without necessarily having arable land. This cousin of the lime, famous for its acidity, can be grown in a clay pot by following a guide of 10 instructions, without the help of a gardener.

So you can have a variety of limes or lemons, depending on your wishes. It is possible to grow a lemon in a pot.

Citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, pomelo, lime, clementines, or tangerines, can be planted in a pot. Growing lemons in containers is easy if you follow these 10 steps. How to plant a lemon tree at home?

To proceed with the planting of this shrub, it will be necessary to respect the rules of cultivation in pots, as for all small fruit trees. To witness the fruiting, it is important to be patient and respect the precautions to follow for the fertilization of the soil, maintenance, and watering.

1- Plant the seeds

The first step is to get large lemon pips, preferably organic. When you put them in the pot, you will need to add organic soil, which you can get at the nursery. This will provide the necessary nutrients for the growth of this cousin of the orange bush.

2- Choose a sunny place

This citrus, which grows in a Mediterranean climate in full sun, needs exposure to the sun for at least six hours but at a mild temperature.

3- Use a large pot

If it is important to get a large pot, it is so that the roots of the lemon tree can grow and expand. These should have enough room for the bush to mature.

4- Water this vegetation

Irrigation of this shrub is very important to ensure good growth of lemons, and citrus fruits with many properties.

To do this, it is recommended to water it regularly as soon as the soil dries but without flooding the pot. Regular watering is essential because well-drained soil is the key to good growth.

5- Prune the tree

Trimming the foliage is a vital step in ensuring the growth of your potted lemon tree. And it is not for less when this cousin of the mandarin has a high number of branches and leaves, the latter provide it with more nutrients than it can absorb. It is also important that the lemon tree has good soil.

6- Add nutrients to your pot

In addition to regular watering, an essential gesture is to add special fertilizer for citrus every 15 days, especially during the growth period. This will help the potted lemon tree grow larger.

7- You can keep the lemon tree indoors

The advantage of planting lemon trees in containers is that you can grow them indoors. The only drawback: it won’t do it as fast as in a planter placed outside.

8- Transplanting is essential for the maintenance of this small tree

This process should be done every two or three years before changing the pot. If it is necessary to transplant the lemon tree.

It is because it allows you to observe the roots and know if you need to put the plant in a larger pot. This gesture can also be used to add more fertilizer or compost for good maintenance of the lemon tree.

9- Keep those fragrant citrus pots indoors in winter

Best planted in early spring, this citrus must be sheltered over the winter. During a cold snap, you can keep the bush indoors so you don’t kill this plant.

10- Leave your potted tree sheltered from the wind

Also read: Practical guide to planting lemon seeds in pots.

However, if your potted lemon tree needs sun outside, make sure it is sheltered from the wind. This compromises a good growth of this small tree that you can grow in a terracotta pot.

Growing lemons in pots is not a difficult task in itself. You just need to be patient to be rewarded with juicy and organic lemons.

Thank you for visiting my website and sharing the posting. In the video belᴏw, you can see the Best Way To Grow lemons from lemons fruit – The easiest procedure in the world.


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