Agricultural Family Health Tech

Greenhouse Eggplant Cultivation – Modern Greenhouse Agricultural Technology

Eggplant is a popular greenhouse crop due to its high yield potential, rapid growth, and improved quality over a longer period. A vigorous, vegetative growth habit makes eggplant quite adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions. Credit: Allerhande.


 Fan Comments


Comment 1: Jeremy Massimino said: “I love all your videos, my only wish would be to know way more about the soil conditions, fertilization, pesticides, irrigation, etc. – this wish would go for all your videos. Because you showing farms that grow on a large scale, they are experts- so I really would like to know more about those details to help me and others try to learn and understand how they do it so well. For us growers, it’s a “teaser” because we are so thirsty for the agricultural info, vs just the steps/process. Thanks again!”

Comment 2: Lisa B said: “I would love to work in a production setting like this for the duration of a cycle of the crop. Working on the research side of the greenhouse is fun, but always feel like I am missing this mass production experience. My second year growing eggplants in my garden and couldn’t be happier with the growth and bounty.”🌻

Comment 3: Life in Korea said: “People may have started farming because the weather and soil began to change. Farming can feed many more people than hunter-gatherers can feed on the same amount of land. Love from Korea.”💕

Comment 4: Gustavo José said: “Agriculture is the greatest and fundamentally the most important of our industries. The cities are but the branches of the tree of national life, the roots of which go deep into the land. We all flourish or decline with the farmer.”

Comment 5: Elena Ravenwood said: “I was taught as a child that greenhouse is very bad for the environment because it’s heavily contributing to global warming. I hope people are not enticed by this “modernization” of farming because there’s nothing wrong with traditional farming. A good farmer who uses efficient planning and good machinery can compete with the output of this “modern” greenhouse farming.”

Thank you for visiting my website and sharing the posting. In the video belᴏw, you can see Greenhouse eggplant cultivation – Modern greenhouse agricultural technology – Eggplant processing.


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