Fishing Health Tech

How to Clean and Cook a 300lb Grouper

In this episode of BlacktipH, we show you how to clean and cook a massive 300-pound Warsaw Grouper! My good friend Capt. Jason Boyll is one of the best in the world at cleaning Warsaw Groupers. We wrapped a giant rope through the mouth of the grouper and tied the other end of the rope to a tractor.


We had to use the tractor in order to lift the fish out of the boat. This fish was so heavy, Jason had to fillet the fish while it was hanging. Each fillet weighed over 70 pounds! The meat was so white and flaky!

After a half-hour cleaning this massive fish, we placed both fillets in the cooler and brought them home. Jason showed us his secret Warsaw recipe, and it was incredible! He used bread crumbs, pine nuts, and orzo to make this fish dish.

The fish cooked in the oven for 15 minutes before Jason pulled it out of the oven. He sprinkled Romano cheese on top of the meat and left it to melt. It was some of the best deep-water grouper I’ve ever tasted, and we can wait to catch another one!

Fan Comments

Comment 1: Johnny Holmes Said: “This is actually a great way to teach someone how to filet a fish. It is like using 10X magnification.”

Comment 2: Ken Martin Said: I’ve had fried grouper before, and I absolutely loved it! Even with a regular-sized filet, the meat chunks were huge! I hope I get to eat it again soon, it has been way too long.”

Comment 3: Lizmbrad Said: “I love the fact that y’all are doing a clean and cook on this big boy. I watched y’all struggle to get him on the boat and into a cooler. That was pure entertainment. Lol Please tell me you’re going to cook the meat in the head as well. The head has so much meat in it on a fish that size. Hell of a fillet for sure.”

Comment 4: Brandon Hambright Said: “Amazing fish. Comes from so deep that the true history is still speechless in areas of life. I would figure the depth of living would actually make it a very clean meat. What a beast, great job on the whole event.”

This fish actually very calm in nature! In the photo belᴏw, yᴏu can see the How to Clean and Cook a 300lb Grouper.


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